Instructions Following Crowns and Bridges

  • You may have some sensitivity following treatment with tenderness around the gum tissues or the tooth. If there is any prolonged discomfort (meaning a couple of weeks) please contact our office.
  • If local anesthesia is used during the procedure, please avoid chewing, biting, and eating until the numbness has worn off.
  • If you have a temporary placed please avoid sticky foods until the final restoration is placed. If the temporary crown or bridge becomes loose or breaks, please call us immediately.
  • Carefully clean around the restoration; brushing and flossing daily. When flossing, take extra care not to loosen the temporary restoration by removing the floss too hard. You can slowly thread the floss out by one end if necessary to avoid too much pressure on the temporary.
  • Once your final restoration has been placed, please avoid chewing on hard, crunchy or sticky foods for a few hours in order to allow the cement to fully set. Mild sensitivity to hot or cold foods is not unusual and should dissipate after a few weeks. If sensitivity lasts more than a few weeks, please let the office know, but this happens infrequently.
  • Ongoing care for your restoration includes brushing your teeth after every meal and snack, and flossing at least once a day before bedtime. Rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash with also help to remove any additional particles that may have been missed during brushing and flossing.
  • Please call our office if you have any questions regarding your treatment.